So I haven't really been snapping away for new pics lately, there's alot that's been going on, and we're preparing for the arrival of bebe #2 (!!!!!). I really hope what they say is not true, that when #2 comes, you don't take pictures anymore. Here are some random and fun pics from the last month, some I took, others I didn't. Enjoy!
Little miss sneaking into the pantry, after dinner, while mommy was busy cleaning the kitchen. I couldn't help but just laugh...
My little girl sure does love her necklaces...
Who needs clothes when you're trying to keep cool in the Texas heat?
"You really should put this back on".
Lookin' up... blue sky, birds flying. Too bad you cannot feel the insane heat of the day.
Hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa. With necklace in hand, of course...
This was a smile for daddy. It's the same smile that she puts on my face every single day.
After breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa. Apparently someone at the restaurant thought Emma was a boy. Really? Just because she's in jeans and a Beatles shirt?
Our nephews, Harrison and Connolly, in Denver. They are so gonna be best buds. Wish we could see them more :(
Cousin play time...
Playing together. Sort of.
And I thought Emma was a blondie!
"Um, that's MY doll stroller..."
Conor and our nephew, Connolly, in Arizona. I'm looking forward to meeting the little guy, hopefully soon!