I just realized it's been almost 2 months since my last blog update. Not exactly what I had planned when I started this blog, but life does get pretty busy. Let's see, what's been going on in the last 2 months? Emma's crawling like crazy. She has also started crawling on her feet, not her knees, which makes me think she is going to start walking any day now. (I've been saying that for a month). She has also uttered her first word: "dog". Sometimes it's "gog". Sometimes it's "dod". But it still counts as her first word. She LOVES her fruits and veggies. Loves them, but she is not too keen on chicken or other meats. She will eat strawberries until she will herself turn into a strawberry, and she loves lima beans like no other 11 month old. Yes, I said lima beans. She would also prefer to feed herself, I will try to feed her and she will refuse. If I put the food down, she will slowly pick it up, examine it, and do a slow taste test, swallowing the food pending approval.
Conor and I have had such a blast these past 11 months getting to know our little angel. I cannot believe what a personality she has, the expressions that she makes, and the amount of love she gives. I feel so blessed, all of the time. I have the best job in the world, I get to spend my time with the most amazing little person in the world (every parent has a right to say that about their own child).
In 2 weeks, Emma Adelaide will be a year old. And I know I will cry and wonder where the year went and wish time would just slow down a bit. As much as I love and cherish every milestone she hits, and even though I take pictures of her all of the time, I know that before long she will be walking, then she will be going to preschool (I don't even want to know what kind of wreck I will be then), then eventually, she will beg us for a car just like I begged for one as a naive teenager. This is where I let out a big sigh and remind myself to slow down... enjoy every blessed moment I have with such a wonderful little person. I wonder sometimes what I did to deserve such an amazing angel in my life.
Here are some pictures from the last couple of months. Her eyes are still blue as ever, and her blonde hair is starting to get thicker, although I don't think we're going to be doing any ponytails anytime soon.
Have a wonderful weekend!